Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sept 12 2007 is Luke's Day

Finally Luke Damien Wong Jun has arrived, 2.38pm at 3.03kg. His much awaited arrival has brought much tears of joy for both Yvonne and me. Yvonne started having contractions at about 4am this morning. It wasn't so painful and today happens to be her regular check-up with the gynae. Her contractions became more regular in the intervals of every 10 minutes while waiting for her turn see the doctor. When it was her turn, I told the doctor that Yvonne was having contractions and straight away the doctor checked the pelvic, she was already 3cm dilated. She had to warded then and there itself.

While I was at the admission desk, the nurses called me to say that the doctor wanted to see me urgently, then there itself I knew that there was a problem. True enough, my son had defecated inside the womb and Yvonne had to go for an emergency caeserean. Not to our wanting, we had to opt for it in order to help save Luke from been drowned by his faeces. We actually wanted natural birth. After through it all, we are thankful to God that Luke's healthy and strong. His jaundice level is at the minimal level. Really thank God for all His blessings upon us as a family. Ask me if I'm thankful, I'll say 'Yes'. Ask me if I'm really happy? Yes, I feel like I'm on top of the world. It's all beyond words. An experience beyond comprehension.

His very first picture on his very first day.

Sleeping on the couch. Someone said he's got style.


Blogger YANZ said...

congrats!! =D
ooo, he's got nice pouty lips... =P

10:03 am  

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